Saturday 25 January 2014

Welcome to the blog of British Maritime Art!

Having grown an interest more and more in Maritime art I think a blog will be a great way to meet others interested in this form of fine art and also give an opportunity for discussions that could be useful on many levels.

I recently went to the Turner and the Sea exhibition at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich and will be doing a continuous review of what I thought of the collection on show. Therefore if you have been to this exhibition I would be interested to see what you thought of it and what your highlights were.

Can anyone guess which British artist painted the scene I have used for the background of the blog? If you can, leave a comment and explain why you think it was done by a particular artist! I will try to update the blog regularly and welcome any feedback and people from all over the world as I want to grow my knowledge too. For now I will leave another painting of the artist I have used for my background to try and help you guess (another clue is that the painting below is on display at the Turner and the Sea exhibition).


  1. Really looking forward to this blog! I'm really hoping to visit the Turner exhibition and was wondering what you think I should look out for?

  2. As you will see from blog posts coming up the exhibition is quite varied and includes many other maritime artists besides Turner. There is an accompanying book called Turner and Sea by Christine Riding which explores the exhibition in a lot of depth and is something I would recommend to read before going as then you will make the most out of your visit. However, I will highlight some of my favourite areas which you will be able to look out for!

  3. Surprisingly (as I generally prefer the impressionists), I rather enjoy this 'genre' of painting - I could look at the painted seas and skies for ages, I just get totally lost in them! Has to be said though, after having been to the exhibition, Clarkson Stanfield might just pip Turner to the post in terms of sky portrayals...

  4. But JMW Turner can be quite abstract and impressionist in his style later on in his career. Which era of Turner paintings did you prefer? Interesting that you mention Stanfield as his painting of 'HMS Victory being towed into Gibraltar' is the one I used for this post and I must say I admire his paintings a lot.
